Three years ago, I started blogging with my first blog which was a mix content blog. At that time I achieved significantly which was PR3 in 3 months time. After achieving such goal, I am experiencing what they might call a blogging burnt out. I have nothing to write and too lazy to find new topic for my posting, because you have to do lots and lots of browsing the internet.
At that time social networking was not so much fun as today. Before you really work extra hard to find audiences. There was Blog Catalog,the shoutmix thingy, entrecard and others which some I am still using. But the real interaction between the audiences and the webmaster were not there. Just visit and follow, visit and follow with out any life in it.
Now, I have more time for blogging again, but this time I still using my old approaches and well as new.
My new approach is using Facebook application NetworkedBlogs. I find it very interesting and interacting too. Just imagine, I get 4 persons to follow my blog in just 3 hours, which was impossible to do in old days. It is remarkable, I can also follow their blogs and reading it with just one click on the site post. Professional bloggers are also there giving you tips and ideas on what to blog. You will never get blogging burnt out.
If I like the blog, I visit it with out Facebook, make comment and blogroll them in my blog. I do not like spammy blogs.
I just know about facebook application "NetworkedBlogs", must try it, good info.
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